RR Donnelley
RR Donnelley is the world's premier full-service provider of print and related services.
Founded more than 140 years ago and headquartered in Chicago, we have global capabilities
of the world’s largest printer and the responsiveness and agility of a shop next door with more than 600 branches and
manufacturing operations worldwide in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Our employees are over 60.000.
In Asia, RR Donnelley established our first joint venture in Shenzhen in 1994, followed by manufacturing and
service operations in Shanghai, Beijing, Dongguan, Hongkong and India. We offer a full range of services covering
every industry, including publishing, consumer electronics, technology, finance, retails, etc. Our products
include magazines, books, telephone directories, catalogs, leaflets, DM and many others.
RR Donnelley is more than a printer. For more than 140 years, we communicate with our customers closely in order
to understand their goals and challenges. We listen, prepare, produce, and deliver printing services through
multi-channels and a wide range of companies. We position ourselves as a business partner for every client’s success
by providing one-stop solution including pre-media, print and logistics. We consistently introduce new technology
and update our solutions as necessary to ensure we are adapting to clients’ changing needs and market dynamics. Our
goal is to help our clients achieving their business objectives.